I started this blog because I love to take motorcycle trips both local and around the country. And I love finding that roadside attraction or quaint town and of course the best places to eat. So I'd like to share my adventures with friends old and new. And I would like to hear about yours. Feel free to share. What's the nicest ride you've ever taken? The most scenic ride? The longest ride? Rallies you've been to with thousands or a solo ride? The town you fell in love with? The food that you'd go back for? Talk about the motorcycle shops along the way. We all love a warm friendly face. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so use them to help others share your experience.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Atlantic City "Rally" ??

Got out Saturday and took a nice ride to Atlantic City for the rally. VERY disappointed!!  The ride was nice and the people we rode with were great but the rally organizers definitely need to work on the event. We took the back roads and had a pleasant cruise to AC after meeting everyone in Whiting. But the first disappointment was in finding that the rally was held INDOORS at the Convention Center. We knew before hand that the Convention Center was the location but 20-25 vendors set up in a large room does not constitute a"Rally". We at least thought that there would be some things to do outside around the area. Even if it was just a parking lot filled with motorcycles to wander around in. Maybe they should have it closer to the famous Atlantic City Boardwalk.
 But, we did have a great lunch at a place across the street and a nice ride home so the day wasn't a total bust.
  Looking forward to more riding weekends so check back for updates....thanx

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our big trip is just around the corner.

In August we will be moving to beautiful, sunny Arizona. The plan is to bring all of our belongings out there at the end of July and then fly home early August. On August 10 we pack the trailer and trike and head out on what should be a fantastic journey across the country. This map shows the intended route. Some of the trip highlights include -  The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, Harley Headquarters and Museum in Milwaukee, The Corn Palace and Wall Drugs in South Dakota, a week in the Sturgis area with Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood, and Devil's Tower in Wyoming. Then up to Yellowstone for "Old Faithful" followed by "The Lonliest Road in the World" (Hwy 50 in Nevada) and on to San Francisco. After an awesome drive down the coast on Hwy 1 and through Big Sur, perhaps a couple of days in the Los Angeles area and then out through Palm Springs and into Arizona.
Even just writing about it has me psyched and ready to go !!
We'll definitely be blogging and posting pics along the way so check back often.
Updates to follow...   Thanx for stopping by.

Summer's Here And The Time Is Right....

Well, one more turn signal light added (on the side of the saddlebag) and I think we're good for now.  Some rain in the forecast for the week but we're ready to roll.
And now if you happen to be riding behind me you will definitely know when I'm stopping or turning.