I started this blog because I love to take motorcycle trips both local and around the country. And I love finding that roadside attraction or quaint town and of course the best places to eat. So I'd like to share my adventures with friends old and new. And I would like to hear about yours. Feel free to share. What's the nicest ride you've ever taken? The most scenic ride? The longest ride? Rallies you've been to with thousands or a solo ride? The town you fell in love with? The food that you'd go back for? Talk about the motorcycle shops along the way. We all love a warm friendly face. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so use them to help others share your experience.

Monday, August 29, 2011

DAY 20

Today was another day to get from point A to point B. We left Ogden and planned on four dealership stops on our way to Fillmore, Utah. We got to the first shop but when we took the interstate we missed the second because the exit wasn't marked. the third was nice but the fourth is probably one of the nicest and most unique dealership that we've been to. It's Timpanogo's HD in Lindon,Utah. The building is actually a building that was part of an old steel mill. Many of the parts are still the original components of the structure and the whole thing has been done beautifully.
 There is a small restaurant inside where they specialize in "sliders". If you look closely at the photo, you'll see that the second one down is called the "Handsome Rob Slider". Of course I had to try it and I gotta tell you, it was a great burger. So lunch was a done deal and then it was time to head on down the road.

 As I said, most of our ride today was spent on Interstate 15 and the parts through Salt Lake City and Provo were not fun at all. Lots of traffic and merges and off ramps and on ramps and trucks and a few crazy drivers. But after Provo we got down to a two-laner and the traffic seemed to magically disappear. There was just a semi or two riding along with us. The weather held up for the whole ride and we even got quite a few clouds so it was a very pleasant ride.
When we got to our hotel it was early enough for a little pool time. Luckily it was an enclosed pool because after we were in for a while, the rain clouds came and the winds picked up and we were stuck in there for a while. When it let up a bit I decided to hightail it back to the room.

After Faith joined me in the room we went next door for dinner. It was a meal we both thoroughly enjoyed. Then it was time to get the computer fired up and tend to the business of blogging. So here we are in a self portrait sitting at the computer.
Only 189 miles today but a perfect ride aside from the traffic at times.

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