Well, as Faith said to me just a little while ago---"what a great day this has been!!"
I have to agree. We didn't have a lot of miles to cover and we knew we were heading to Palm Springs.
Our first stop was at Skip Fordyce Harley Davidson in Riverside. It's a huge beautiful dealership and the people are extremely friendly and accommodating.We got all of our collectible stuff and even a few extras that we hadn't planned on. The stop took a little longer than usual because we got caught up in conversation with the woman in the motorclothes department and then we talked for a while with one of the salesmen. He was commenting on the trike and also where we were coming from and where we were going. All in all a nice time with some very nice people. 
Although we had to travel on some highways the roads were nice and after we got out of Riverside the traffic lightened up and it really wasn't a bad ride. The closer we got to the Palm Springs area the warmer we could feel that the temps were getting. But it's a dry heat !!! It's a little hard to see in the picture but we got the Palm Springs sign that welcomes you to the city.By the time we got to Palm Spring we were getting a bit hungry so I told Faith that whenever she sees something along the road to let me know and we'd stop for a bite. Just as we got into the downtown area we saw a sign for "Hamburger Mary's" so we figured we'd grab a quick burger. I had never been to or even heard of "Hamburger Mary's" but it seems that they are an "alternative lifestyle" kind of bar/hamburger joint.
Of course we got there a little after noon and the show was going to start soon. Our waiter warned us about what the show was about and that it could get a little offensive. Well that sounded fine to me. On with the show!!!! The food was very good and the "queens" put on a pretty good show. The bars slogan is--Eat, Drink and "Be Mary" ! Faith had a great time but we couldn't sit there all day. After a bit we had to leave to get to our hotel and decide what we were going to do for the rest of the day.
It was getting really warm so we checked in and hit the pool for a while. Then we found out that there is a casino nearby so Faith got her slot fix and I think she actually did OK at the machines. Not so for me. But it was another good time for Faith and now it was time to eat. The clerk at the hotel suggested a Mexican place down the block so we took a walk to Don Diegos in Indian Wells, CA.
What a fantastic time we had!! We started with a "medium" margarita which was actually rather large and then had a great meal while being serenaded by a wandering guitar player. The waiter was very nice and we shared an interest in motorcycling and the guitar player stayed at our table for a while talking with us so we had a very nice evening. It has become one of our favorite Mexican restaurants.
So as I said, Faith feels that this was a really great day and I have to agree. Good times and some extremely nice people.
Only 108 miles but well over 108 memories.
Sadly, tomorrow we head for "home".
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