We took a ride up to Laughlin on Friday to check out the River Run. Susan was away for the weekend and Melina had an appointment in the afternoon so it was just John, Darryl Faith and I. We had planned to get some breakfast at the Pioneer Casino so we got on the road about 8:30.

It was a beautiful ride up. Temps were perfect and it was the start of a really nice day.
After a great breakfast ( Faith and I both got the "all you can eat buffet with omelet station") it was time to walk some of the meal off so we headed out to the vendors. Not that we were anywhere near thinking about lunch, but we did find some interesting menu items.
The vendor areas were just about the same as any other rally but we enjoy checking out all of the leather goods, shirts, jewelry, bike parts and so forth.

And when it comes to trying on leather pants and such, who needs a dressing room ???? The day was warming up nicely and jackets and tops were being removed so everyone could enjoy the warmth and the scenery.

Darryl and I took a little break from walking to just watch the traffic and the people for a while. It wasn't quite as crowded as past years but then again it was only Friday and it was still early.

Back to the vendor areas where we found someone who does some really nice custom paint jobs. How many of you remember this guy from way back when ??????
Faith found herself on the other side of the camera here. Isn't she adorable ???
.The Laughlin River Run differs from a lot of the other rallies because along Casino Drive there are about 8 hotel casinos and each parking lot is chock full of vendors. Most rallies have a large field or just one area set up for shopping. So we did quite a lot of walking through the day. But some of the custom work that you find makes it worthwhile

Did I mention that the temperature had risen nicely and the day had actually warmed up to where less clothing meant staying more comfortable ? You might note that she's not sweating. Unfortunately for us, since we rode the motorcycles, we had long pants on. But there was a slight breeze and if you found some shade, it really wasn't that bad.

We took a refreshment break near the Hogs and Heifers stage setup. The music was far too loud but the dancers were having a ball. By this time Darryl had gone back home for a previous engagement so John, Faith and I went to meet up with a couple of John's friends for a drink and then dinner. Although we had wanted to get on the road before dark, we left Laughlin just as the sun was beginning to set.

It's amazing how much the temperature changes once the sun goes down ! By the time we got through Bullhead City we had to pull over to put on a jacket. It seemed that the temps would change every couple of miles. We'd hit a warm spot and then suddenly an area where it was actually more than cool. It was downright cold !
But we made it and all in all it was a great day. I was supposed to go out with a friend on his boat for the races on Saturday but after all of the walking and being on my feet all day Friday I just couldn't do it. Saturday was a day of rest and Sunday was back down to Fox's for church. Then we went home, got the bathing suits on and went to Darryl and Melina's for a little pool time and BBQ. GOOD TIMES----GOOD FRIENDS

It's amazing how we can be 2500 miles away from the New Jersey shore and find some way to bring it all right here.
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